Results for 'Charles A. Greer'

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  1.  35
    Kant and the Capacity to Judge; Sensibility and Discursivity in the TranscendentaI Analytic of the Critique of Pure Reason (review).Michelle Greer - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):372-374.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kant and the Capacity to Judge; Sensibility and Discursivity in the Transcendental Analytic of the Critique of Pure Reason by Beatrice LonguenesseMichelle GreerBeatrice Longuenesse. Kant and the Capacity to Judge; Sensibility and Discursivity in the Transcendental Analytic of the Critique of Pure Reason. Translation by Charles T. Wolfe. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998. Pp. xv + 420. Cloth, $59.50.Kant and the Capacity to Judge is a (...)
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    Tarantella in Arcadia: Charles Griffes’s Scherzo as a Hybrid Pastoral.Taylor Aitken Greer - 2015 - Semiotics:35-43.
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  3. Multiple overlapping circuits within olfactory and basal forebrain systems.Gordon M. Shepherd, Martha C. Nowycky, Charles A. Greer & Kensaku Mori - 1981 - In G. Adam, I. Meszaros & E.I. Banyai, Advances in Physiological Science. pp. 263-278.
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    (1 other version)Setting the Scientific Bar for the Genetics of Behavior.Eric Turkheimer & Sarah Rodock Greer - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (4):455-460.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Setting the Scientific Bar for the Genetics of BehaviorEric Turkheimer, PhD (bio) and Sarah Rodock Greer, BA (bio)We are grateful for the opportunity to respond to such a varied and challenging set of commentaries. They range from highly supportive to quite disputatious; we will repay the supportive ones ironically, by discussing them only briefly. That will allow us to expand a bit on the more difficult comments, and (...)
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  5. (1 other version)The enron story: You can fool some of the people some of the time ….Alyson Tonge, Lesley Greer & Alan Lawton - 2003 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 12 (1):4–22.
    This article unravels the complex set of financial dealings that are at the heart of the Enron story and follows the story through the highs and lows of Enron share prices. The key players are identified and their roles described. Apart from the financial and accounting issues, the Enron story also raises a wide range of ethical issues including corporate governance, organisational culture and ethical leadership and scrutiny. These are discussed in the article. It might be argued that Enron could (...)
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    From correlation to causation: The new frontier of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance.Mohd Hafiz Rothi & Eric Lieberman Greer - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (1):2200118.
    While heredity is predominantly controlled by what deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences are passed from parents to their offspring, a small but growing number of traits have been shown to be regulated in part by the non‐genetic inheritance of information. Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance is defined as heritable information passed from parents to their offspring without changing the DNA sequence. Work of the past seven decades has transitioned what was previously viewed as rare phenomenology, into well‐established paradigms by which numerous traits can (...)
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    Medicolegal Complications of Apnoea Testing for Determination of Brain Death.Ariane Lewis & David Greer - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):417-428.
    Recently, there have been a number of lawsuits in the United States in which families objected to performance of apnoea testing for determination of brain death. The courts reached conflicting determinations in these cases. We discuss the medicolegal complications associated with apnoea testing that are highlighted by these cases and our position that the decision to perform apnoea testing should be made by clinicians, not families, judges, or juries.
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    (1 other version)Figures of Entanglement: Diffractive Readings of Barad, New Materialism, and Rhetorical Theory and Criticism.Savannah Greer Downing - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (3):395-402.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Figures of Entanglement: Diffractive Readings of Barad, New Materialism, and Rhetorical Theory and Criticism ed. by Christopher N. Gamble and Joshua S. HananSavannah Greer DowningFigures of Entanglement: Diffractive Readings of Barad, New Materialism, and Rhetorical Theory and Criticism. Edited by Christopher N. Gamble and Joshua S. Hanan. Routledge, 2021. xvi + 122 pp. $168 (hardcover), $47.16 (electronic book). ISBN: 9780367903794.Rhetorical scholars have turned to various new materialist (...)
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    Spit for Science and the Limits of Applied Psychiatric Genetics.Eric Turkheimer & Sarah Rodock Greer - forthcoming - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology.
    The research program Spit For Science was launched at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in 2011. Since then, more than 10,000 freshmen have been enrolled in the program, filling out extensive questionnaires about their drinking, general substance use, and related behaviors, and also contributing saliva for genotyping. The goals of the program, as initially stated by the investigators, were to find the genes underlying the heritability of alcohol use and related behaviors, and in addition to put genetic knowledge to work in (...)
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    Visual presentation of self by the British royal family on instagram.Sheri Parmelee & Clark Greer - 2023 - Journal for Cultural Research 27 (1):69-84.
    For centuries, the British royal family has been the subject of books, articles, broadcast media, and digital communication. The addition of social media platforms has further increased the attention of the royals. Each of the family’s official social media sites have large numbers of followers around the world. The present study uses Goffman’s Presentation of Self to qualitatively examine how the current British royal family portrays itself visually via its official Instagram account. An analysis of two years of posts on (...)
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  11. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce: Pragmatism and pragmaticism and Scientific metaphysics.Charles Sanders Peirce - 1960 - Cambridge: Belknap Press.
    Charles Sanders Peirce has been characterized as the greatest American philosophic genius. He is the creator of pragmatism and one of the founders of modern logic. James, Royce, Schroder, and Dewey have acknowledged their great indebtedness to him. A laboratory scientist, he made notable contributions to geodesy, astronomy, psychology, induction, probability, and scientific method. He introduced into modern philosophy the doctrine of scholastic realism, developed the concepts of chance, continuity, and objective law, and showed the philosophical significance of the (...)
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  12.  3
    Inconsistent Access, Uneven Approach: Ethical Implications and Practical Concerns of Prioritizing Legal Interests over Cultures of Academic Integrity.Courtney S. Cullen & Greer Murphy - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-20.
    Academic integrity policies in the United States have not been studied as in Australia (Bretag & Mahmud, 2016; Bretag et al., 2011), Europe (Foltýnek & Glendinning, 2015; Glendinning, 2013), or Canada (Eaton et al., 2022; Stoesz & Eaton, 2020). This study examines how elements of exemplary policy are supported, or not, by higher education institutions in the United States. Academic integrity policies across a range of institution types and locations must be updated to more clearly reflect elements of exemplary policy (...)
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  13.  31
    Twelve-Line Stanza Forms in Middle English and the Date of Pearl.Susanna Greer Fein - 1997 - Speculum 72 (2):367-398.
    The linked stanza form of Pearl is widely known and admired. Yet there exists no complete account of how this aspect of Pearl compares with other Middle English poems written in twelve-line units. The omission is surprising, not least because this information may offer a background for dating Pearl. Four editors—of Pearl or of other verse—have compiled lists of verse specimens with a cognate stanza, but none of these tentative lists is complete or entirely accurate. The best resource for tracking (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophical Case Conference: Spit for Science and the Limits of Applied Psychiatric Genetics.Eric Turkheimer & Sarah Rodock Greer - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (4):397-424.
    The research program Spit For Science was launched at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in 2011. Since then, more than 10,000 freshmen have been enrolled in the program, filling out extensive questionnaires about their drinking, general substance use, and related behaviors, and also contributing saliva for genotyping. The goals of the program, as initially stated by the investigators, were to find the genes underlying the heritability of alcohol use and related behaviors, and in addition to put genetic knowledge to work in (...)
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    Charles Peirce's Reading of Richard Whately's Elements of Logic.Charles Seibert - 2005 - History and Philosophy of Logic 26 (1):1-32.
    Charles S. Peirce frequently mentioned reading Richard Whately's Elements of Logic when he was 12 years old. Throughout his life, Peirce emphasized the importance of that experience. This valorization of Whately is puzzling at first. Early in his career Peirce rejected Whately's central logical doctrines. What valuable insight concerning logic was robust enough to survive these specific rejections? Peirce recommended a biographical approach to understanding his philosophy. This essay follows that suggestion by considering Peirce's reading of Whately in a (...)
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  16.  29
    Philip Neri and Charles Borromeo as Models of Catholic Reform.Charles D. Fox - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (6):119-136.
    In the face of the external challenge of the Protestant Reformation, as well as the internal threat of spiritual, moral, and disciplinary corruption, two Catholic saints worked tirelessly to reform the Church in different but complementary ways. Philip Neri (1515–95) and Charles Borromeo (1538–84) led the Catholic Counter–Reformation during the middle–to–late sixteenth century, placing their distinctive gifts at the service of the Church. Philip Neri used his personal humility, intelligence, and charisma to attract the people of Rome to Christ, (...)
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  17.  8
    Bertrand Russell.John Greer Slater - 1994 - Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press.
    A book which is intended as an introduction to Bertrand Russell and his views in a variety of fields. In addition to being one of the most important logicians and philosophers of this century, Russell was also, for a very long time, one of it most prominent public figures, and his influence on his time was not confined to academic subjects. Nearly all of his 70 books, including some whose positions are now rather clearly dated, are still, or were until (...)
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  18.  42
    Rethinking Philosophy and Race: An Interview with Charles Mills.Charles Mills & Arthur Soto - 2015 - Stance 8 (1):81-107.
    The Stance team spoke with Charles Mills, noted philosopher and John Evans Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University whose work focuses on issues of social class, gender, and race, on December 1, 2014. Dr. Mills reviewed Stance’s transcription of the interview and made slight corrections for grammar, style, and reduction of repetition. He also inserted a sentence or two to add clarity. We hope readers find the result illuminating.
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  19.  34
    Darwin, Charles.Charles H. Pence - 2022 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Charles Darwin (1809–1882) Charles Darwin is primarily known as the architect of the theory of evolution by natural selection. With the publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859, he advanced a view of the development of life on earth that profoundly shaped nearly all biological and much philosophical thought which followed. A number….
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  20.  12
    The correspondence of Charles S. Peirce and the Open Court Publishing Company, 1890-1913.Charles S. Peirce - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter. Edited by Stetson J. Robinson.
    Peirceana provides a forum for the best current work on Peirce worldwide. Besides monographs, the series will publish thematically unified anthologies and edited volumes with a defined topical focus and untranslated English selections of Peirce's writings.
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  21.  11
    Pragmatism, the Classic Writings: Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, Clarence Irving Lewis, John Dewey, George Herbert Mead.Charles S. Peirce (ed.) - 1982 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    A reprint of the New American Library edition of 1970.
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  22.  44
    Charles Taylor Responds.Charles Taylor - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (5):809-823.
    ABSTRACT This article responds to the contributors to this special issue. I clarify my views on critical theory, capitalism, morality, sociality, secularity, subjectivity, and childhood. I close with some general remarks about the necessity for a hermeneutical approach to social, ethical, and political questions.
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    The Language Animal: The Full Shape of the Human Linguistic Capacity.Charles Taylor - 2016 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    From Sources of the Self to A Secular Age, Charles Taylor has shown how we create ways of being, as individuals and as a society. Here, he demonstrates that language is at the center of this generative process. Language does not merely describe; it constitutes meaning, and the shared practice of speech shapes human experience.
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  24. Charles S. Peirce: the essential writings.Charles Sanders Peirce - 1972 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. Edited by Edward C. Moore.
    Physicist, mathematician, and logician Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) was America's first internationally recognized philosopher, the man who created the concept of "pragmatism," later popularized by William James. Charles S. Peirce: The Essential Writings is a comprehensive collection of the philosopher's writings, including: "Questions Concerning Certain Faculties Claimed for Man" (1868), which outlines his theory of knowledge; a review of the works of George Berkeley; papers from between 1877 and 1905 developing the ground of pragmatism and Peirce's theory of (...)
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  25. On Charles Taylor's 'Deep Diversity'.Charles Blattberg - 2020 - In Astrid Fellner, Ursula Lehmkuhl & Laurence McFalls, 150 Years of Canada: Grappling with Diversity Since 1867. Münster, Germany: Waxmann Verlag GmbH.
    Charles Taylor’s idea of “deep diversity” has played a major role in the debates around multiculturalism in Canada and around the world. Originally, the idea was meant to account for how the different national communities within Canada – those of the English-speaking Canadians, the French-speaking Quebeckers, and the Aboriginals – conceive of their belonging to the country in different ways. But Taylor conceives of these differences strictly in terms of irreducibility; that is, he fails to see that they also (...)
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  26. Ethics and Language.Charles Leslie Stevenson - 1944 - New York: Yale University Press.
  27.  31
    Charles Darwin's Beagle diary.Charles Darwin - 1933 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by R. D. Keynes.
    On 27th December 1831, HMS Beagle set out from Plymouth under the command of Captain Robert Fitzroy on a voyage that lasted nearly 5 years. The purpose of the trip was to complete a survey of the southern coasts of South America, and afterwards to circumnavigate the globe. The ship's geologist and naturalist was Charles Darwin. Darwin kept a diary throughout the voyage in which he recorded his daily activities, not only on board the ship but also during the (...)
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  28.  15
    Charles Darwin's marginalia.Charles Darwin - 1990 - New York: Garland. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio & N. W. Gill.
    Complementing the publication of Darwin's notebooks and correspondence, this work provides access to the last remaining unpublished source of Darwin manuscript materials. It is a catalog to and a complete transcription of the marks and annotations he made in the margins of his books. The margin comments throw light on Darwin's immediate reactions to his reading matter; further comments on slips of paper stuck inside the covers of the books reveal more considered evaluation. These comments are also fully transcribed. Annotation (...)
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  29. Philosophy in an age of pluralism: the philosophy of Charles Taylor in question.Charles Taylor, James Tully & Daniel M. Weinstock (eds.) - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first comprehensive evaluation of Charles Taylor's work and a major contribution to leading questions in philosophy and the human sciences as they face an increasingly pluralistic age. Charles Taylor is one of the most influential contemporary moral and political philosophers: in an era of specialisation he is one of the few thinkers who has developed a comprehensive philosophy which speaks to the conditions of the modern world in a way that is compelling to specialists in (...)
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  30. Sir John F. W. Herschel and Charles Darwin: Nineteenth-Century Science and Its Methodology.Charles H. Pence - 2018 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 8 (1):108-140.
    There are a bewildering variety of claims connecting Darwin to nineteenth-century philosophy of science—including to Herschel, Whewell, Lyell, German Romanticism, Comte, and others. I argue here that Herschel’s influence on Darwin is undeniable. The form of this influence, however, is often misunderstood. Darwin was not merely taking the concept of “analogy” from Herschel, nor was he combining such an analogy with a consilience as argued for by Whewell. On the contrary, Darwin’s Origin is written in precisely the manner that one (...)
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    The Writings of Charles de Koninck: Volume 1.Charles De Koninck - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    The Writings of Charles De Koninck, Volume 1, introduces a projected three-volume series that presents the first English edition of the collected works of the Catholic Thomist philosopher Charles De Koninck. Ralph McInerny is the project editor and has prepared the excellent translations. The first volume contains writings ranging from De Koninck's 1934 dissertation at the University of Louvain on the philosophy of Sir Arthur Eddington, to two remarkable early essays on indeterminism and the unpublished book "The Cosmos." (...)
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  32.  18
    Collected Works of Charles Baudouin.Charles Baudouin - 2015 - Routledge.
    Charles Baudouin was a French psychoanalyst. Born in Nancy, a town that played a significant role in the history of psychoanalysis, he was a contemporary of Freud, Jung and Adler. After receiving his degree in philosophy, he moved to Geneva where his early work and first book focused on suggestion and hypnosis, later becoming interested in literature and the relation between psychoanalysis and education. Largely forgotten, Charles Baudouin’s work warrants greater attention from psychoanalysts and historians alike. He was (...)
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  33.  18
    Charles Darwin’s Zoology Notes and Specimen Lists From H.M.S. Beagle.Charles Darwin - 2000 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Edited by R. D. Keynes.
    This transcription of notes made by Charles Darwin during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle records his observations of the animals and plants that he encountered, and provides a valuable insight into the intellectual development of one of our most influential scientists. Darwin drew on many of these notes for his well known Journal of Researches (1839), but the majority of them have remained unpublished. This volume provides numerous examples of his unimpeachable accuracy in describing the wide range (...)
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    The Undivided Self: Aristotle and the 'Mind-Body' Problem.David Charles - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    Aristotle initiated the systematic investigation of perception, the emotions, memory, desire, and action. David Charles argues that Aristotle's account of these phenomena is a philosophically live alternative to conventional modern thinking about the mind: it offers a way to dissolve, rather than solve, the mind-body problem we have inherited.
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  35. Aristotle on well-being and intellectual contemplation: David Charles.David Charles - 1999 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 73 (1):205–223.
    [David Charles] Aristotle, it appears, sometimes identifies well-being with one activity, sometimes with several, including ethical virtue. I argue that this appearance is misleading. In the Nicomachean Ethics, intellectual contemplation is the central case of human well-being, but is not identical with it. Ethically virtuous activity is included in human well-being because it is an analogue of intellectual contemplation. This structure allows Aristotle to hold that while ethically virtuous activity is valuable in its own right, the best life available (...)
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  36.  16
    Charles Hauter: un Alsacien, philosophe et résistant.Charles Hauter (ed.) - 2010 - [Saint-Etienne]: Aubin.
    Impressionnés par l'enseignement du Maître, certains de ses étudiants et même de ses collègues considéraient Charles Hauter comme un génie. Il enseigna à la Faculté protestante de l'université se Strasbourg de 1919 à 1961 et passa de la philosophie religieuse à la théologie dogmatique. Mais pendant cette longue période, ses publications sont relativement peu nombreuses. Ce livre en présente plusieurs particulièrement typiques de sa thématique, textes complétés par des commentaires de diverses personnalités. Guy de Chambrier.
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  37. Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity.Charles Taylor - 1989 - Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press.
    'Most of us are still groping for answers about what makes life worth living, or what confers meaning on individual lives', writes Charles Taylor in Sources of the Self. 'This is an essentially modern predicament.' Charles Taylor's latest book sets out to define the modern identity by tracing its genesis, analysing the writings of such thinkers as Augustine, Descartes, Montaigne, Luther, and many others. This then serves as a starting point for a renewed understanding of modernity. Taylor argues (...)
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  38.  35
    What is Political Philosophy?Charles E. Larmore - 2020 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    A new understanding of political philosophy from one of its leading thinkers What is political philosophy? What are its fundamental problems? And how should it be distinguished from moral philosophy? In this book, Charles Larmore redefines the distinctive aims of political philosophy, reformulating in this light the basis of a liberal understanding of politics. Because political life is characterized by deep and enduring conflict between rival interests and differing moral ideals, the core problems of political philosophy are the regulation (...)
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  39. Books and Tapes by Charles T. Tart.Charles Tart - unknown
    An anthology of papers on ESP presented at a special symposium of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, edited by Charles Tart, Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ. Topics cover remote viewing, psychokinesis, physiological correlates of ESP, and Soviet psychic research. An expanded reprint of the original 1979 publication.
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  40. Kierkegaard’s Deep Diversity: The One and the Many.Charles Blattberg - 2020 - In Mélissa Fox-Muraton, Kierkegaard and Issues in Contemporary Ethics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 51-68.
    Kierkegaard’s ideal supports a radical form of “deep diversity,” to use Charles Taylor’s expression. It is radical because it embraces not only irreducible conceptions of the good but also incompatible ones. This is due to its paradoxical nature, which arises from its affirmation of both monism and pluralism, the One and the Many, together. It does so in at least three ways. First, in terms of the structure of the self, Kierkegaard describes his ideal as both unified (the “positive (...)
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  41.  14
    The works of Charles Darwin.Charles Darwin - 1986 - New York: New York University Press. Edited by Paul H. Barrett & R. B. Freeman.
    Charles Robert Darwin (1809–1882) has been widely recognized since his own time as one of the most influential writers in the history of Western thought. His books were widely read by specialists and the general public, and his influence had been extended by almost continuous public debate over the past 150 years. New York University Press's new paperback edition makes it possible to review Darwin's public literary output as a whole, plus his scientific journal articles, his private notebooks, and (...)
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    Off with Their Wigs!: Judicial Revolution in Modern Britain.Charles Banner & Alexander Deane - 2003 - Imprint Academic.
    On Thursday June 12th 2003, a press release concerning a Cabinet reshuffle declared as a footnote that the office of Lord Chancellor was to be abolished and that a new Supreme Court would replace the House of Lords as the highest court in the United Kingdom. In response to intense criticism of the Government for announcing these judicial reforms without holding any prior debate or consultation, Charles Banner and Alexander Deane have sought the views of several constitutional experts – (...)
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    The sixth sense: its cultivation and use.Charles Henry Brent - 1911 - New York,: b. W. Huebsch..
    DigiCat Publishing presents to you this special edition of "The Sixth Sense: Its Cultivation and Use" by Charles Henry Brent. DigiCat Publishing considers every written word to be a legacy of humankind. Every DigiCat book has been carefully reproduced for republishing in a new modern format. The books are available in print, as well as ebooks. DigiCat hopes you will treat this work with the acknowledgment and passion it deserves as a classic of world literature.
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    Air Pollution and Corporate Power: Municipal Reform Limits In A Black City.Edward Greer - 1974 - Politics and Society 4 (4):483-510.
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    The animal challenge to sociology.Nickie Charles & Bob Carter - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (1):79-97.
    In this article, we ask why is it that sociology has been slow to take up the animal challenge, and ask what would happen if it did. We argue that sociology’s fraught relationship with biology, its assumptions about human exceptionalism and its emergence in the context of industrialization and urbanization are key to understanding its lack of attention to animals and contribute to a limited conceptualization of society. This can be remedied by viewing non-human animals as involuntarily embedded in social (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Nicholas Appleton, Loren R. Bonneau, Walter Feinberg, Thomas D. Moore, Albert Grande, W. Eugene Hedley, D. Malcolm Leith, Charles R. Schindler, Leonard Fels, Harry Wagschal, Gregg Jackson, David C. Williams, Gary H. Gilliland, Colin Greer, Gerald L. Gutek, H. Warren Button & Ronald K. Goodenow - 1974 - Educational Studies 5 (1-2):39-52.
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    The Logic Pamphlets of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and Related Pieces.Charles Lutwidge Dodgson - 2010 - University Press of Virginia. Edited by Francine F. Abeles.
    In the history of mathematics, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832–1898), better known as Lewis Carroll, stands out as the rare mathematician who also was an exceptional literary figure. In The Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll, each volume of a projected six volumes deals with a particular aspect of his work. When the series is complete, it will include all of his works that were not originally issued in hard cover with the exception of his poetry and fiction. This fourth volume focuses (...)
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    Adam Smith and the Virtues of Enlightment.Charles L. Griswoord & William Desmond - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (1):53-72.
    William Desmond: It is a pleasure to welcome Professor Charles Griswold today. I thank him for his willingness to present us with an overview of his new book Adam Smith and the Virtues of Enlightenment , and to participate in a discussion. Professor Griswold is professor of philosophy at Boston University, where he is also the chair of the philosophy department. His new work on Adam Smith might seem like something of a departure from the concerns of many of (...)
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    Charles Taylor, Michael Polanyi and the Critique of Modernity: Pluralist and Emergentist Directions.I. I. Lowney & W. Charles (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book provides a timely, compelling, multidisciplinary critique of the largely tacit set of assumptions funding Modernity in the West. A partnership between Michael Polanyi and Charles Taylor's thought promises to cast the errors of the past in a new light, to graciously show how these errors can be amended, and to provide a specific cartography of how we can responsibly and meaningfully explore new possibilities for ethics, political society, and religion in a post-modern modernity.
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  50. The Ethics of Authenticity.Charles Taylor - 1991 - Harvard University Press.
    While some lament the slide of Western culture into relativism and nihilism and others celebrate the trend as a liberating sort of progress, Charles Taylor calls on us to face the moral and political crises of our time, and to make the most ...
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